"Spreading Nurgle's Love: A Review of the Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol De

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Greetings fellow Warhammer enthusiasts! Today we're diving into the Death Guard Combat Patrol box set, and boy oh boy, it's a doozy. This set is perfect for those looking to spread Nurgle's love across the battlefield. With seven miniatures, including a Lord of Contagion and a Foetid Bloat-drone, you'll have everything you need to send your opponents running for cover.

One of the best features of this box set is the level of detail on the miniatures. Games Workshop really went all out on the sculpts, with intricate designs on each figure and a range of textured and layered armor. Plus, the models are easy to assemble, meaning you can get to painting and playing in no time.

Who is this set perfect for, you ask? Well, if you're a fan of the Death Guard or Nurgle, this is a no-brainer. But even if you're not specifically into those factions, this set is a great starting point for anyone looking to get into Warhammer 40k. The miniatures are versatile enough to be used in a variety of armies, and the easy assembly makes them accessible to even the most novice hobbyists.

Now, let's get into the pro and con list:

- Intricate and detailed miniatures
- Easy to assemble
- Versatile for multiple armies

- Limited color scheme (lots of green and brown)
- The Bloat-drone can be a bit tricky to assemble

In conclusion, the Death Guard Combat Patrol box set is a must-have for any Warhammer 40k enthusiast. The level of detail and quality on the miniatures is top-notch, and the easy assembly makes them accessible to anyone. Whether you're a fan of Nurgle or just looking to start your 40k collection, this set is definitely worth the investment.

Bottom line: 9/10.

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