Warhammer Adeptus Titanicus: Cerastus Knights Acheron and Castigator - Knig

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Are you looking for some serious heavy metal in your Warhammer collection? Look no further than the Cerastus Knights Acheron and Castigator! These bad boys are packing some serious heat with their Acheron chainfists and flame cannons, or their Castigator warblades and bolt cannons.

This kit is perfect for players of Adeptus Titanicus who are looking to add some devastating firepower to their army. With 112 plastic components, you can build four Knights with plenty of customisation options. And the transfer sheet includes options for multiple Households, so you can make your Knights truly unique.

While these Knights are definitely on the pricey side, they are well worth the investment for serious players who want to dominate the battlefield. And for those who are just getting started with Adeptus Titanicus, these Knights make for a great addition to your collection.

- Plenty of customisation options
- Includes transfer sheet for multiple Households
- Devastating firepower

- Pricey
- Assembly required

In conclusion, the Warhammer Adeptus Titanicus: Cerastus Knights Acheron and Castigator are a must-have for serious players of Adeptus Titanicus. These Knights are powerful, customisable, and look absolutely stunning on the tabletop. While they may be a bit pricey, the investment is well worth it for those who want to dominate the battlefield. So if you're ready to add some heavy metal to your Warhammer collection, be sure to pick up a set of Cerastus Knights Acheron and Castigator today!

Bottom Line: If you're a serious player of Adeptus Titanicus, these Knights are a must-have for your army. With devastating firepower and plenty of customisation options, they are well worth the investment. Just be prepared to spend some time assembling them! Rating: 9/10.

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