Vallejo Basic USA Acrylic Colors Paint Set, 17ml, Assorted Colors: The Perf

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Are you tired of using the same old boring colors on your miniatures? Look no further than the Vallejo Basic USA Acrylic Colors Paint Set! As a Warhammer enthusiast and avid painter, I have used my fair share of paint sets, but this one definitely stands out.

One thing I love about this paint set is the high pigmentation of the colors. This ensures that your miniatures will have a bold and vibrant look, instead of appearing dull or washed out. Additionally, the set comes with an extensive range of 16 colors that are perfect for any hobby project.

Whether you're painting Nurgle or Tzeentch miniatures, or even Dark Angels or Eldar, this set has got you covered. The colors adhere well to all surfaces, including plastics and polyesters, making this set a versatile must-have for any miniatures painter's collection.

Of course, like any product, there are some pros and cons:

-High pigmentation
-Extensive range of colors
-Versatile and adheres to all surfaces

-Some colors may dry out faster than others

In conclusion, if you're looking for a set of high-quality paints to elevate your miniatures game, the Vallejo Basic USA Acrylic Colors Paint Set is a great choice. With its vast range of colors and superb pigmentation, it's sure to become a staple in any painter's toolbox. And at a reasonable price of $28.50, you really can't go wrong. I give this set a solid 8 out of 10.

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