World’s Smallest Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Collector Set Review: The H

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When it comes to trading card games, Magic: The Gathering is the OG of the genre, and it's still going strong after almost 30 years! If you're a fan of MTG, you'll want to get your hands on the World’s Smallest Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Collector Set Featuring Ajani VS. Nicol Bolas and Heroes VS. Monsters Duel Decks from MTGCollector.

This exclusive set is a must-have for any MTG collector, new or old, and comes with 240 total cards and 4 tuck boxes! That's a lot of bang for your buck if you ask me. And don't forget the exclusive playing dice that you can't find anywhere else!

The Ajani Deck includes 2 of both Ajani's Mantra and Loam Lion, replacing the Kird Ape and Essence Warden. Any collector knows how valuable exclusives can be, so you don't want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind set!

If you're a fan of the multiverse and all its magic, this set is definitely for you. With its beautiful artwork and well-crafted cards, it's a great way to expand your collection and show off to your friends.

- Exclusive set with rare playing dice
- Comes with 240 total cards
- Great for collectors of all ages
- Beautiful artwork and well-crafted cards

- Might not be as appealing to non-MTG players
- Some cards may be repetitive

Overall, the World’s Smallest Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Collector Set Featuring Ajani VS. Nicol Bolas and Heroes VS. Monsters Duel Decks is a great addition to any MTG fan's collection. At only $19.99, it's a steal! As the omnissiah would say, "knowledge is power, guard it well." So go ahead and add this exclusive set to your collection, and may the Imperium of Man guide you.

Bottom line: If you're a fan of MTG, get this set ASAP! It's worth every penny and more. Henry gives it an 8 out of 10!

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